Friday, September 7, 2012

Jury Duty

For those of you hoping this was a post about the great Pauly Shore film of the same name, I'm sorry.

Yesterday, I had Jury Duty. Jury Duty is an American tradition that involves sitting in a room with 40 strangers who are all annoyed that they had to take off work to . . . well, sit around with strangers. Oh and that whole, 'civic service' thing too.

Guess what you cannot take into the assembly room for jury duty? Cell phones and electronics.

Guess what you can take into the assembly room for jury duty? Books!
Oh yeah, advantage to the Non-Fiction reading guy! (that reminds me, I need a better title. . . )

And so, while I would be slightly embarrassed to bring my YA Presidency book with me, and the Java bible doesn't quite cut it for casual reading, I decided to tap into my personal NF stash.
Meet selection #9: Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness: Modern History from the Sports Desk by Hunter S Thompson.

I asked for, and received, this book for Christmas last year but I have yet to find the opportunity to read it. So when I found out I'd be in waiting for several hours I decided this was a great chance to read from the Gonzo Journalism creator himself.

I did not check this out from the stacks, but it is in the library's collection, I wonder if that counts . . . Survey says: I'll allow it. To quote Rick Grimes: "This isn't a democracy anymore"
Seriously, who else is pumped about season 3 of The Walking Dead? 
Hey Rube is a collection of columns HST wrote for's Page 2 back in the early 2000s, its a mash-up of sports talk mixed with politics. His column that compared the NFL to presidential campaigns was pretty shocking and made me a little depressed. I knocked out a good chunk as I waited and I am really looking forward to finishing it up. If I stick to my guns, don't get distracted too much by the shiny college and NFL games this weekend, I just may start next week with a fresh lineup of 3 new NF books.

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